Dr Haach

6 Fantastic Treatments and Products to Stimulate Collagen in Singapore

It’s no secret that youthful skin makes us look and feel good. That said, different factors come into play regarding skin rejuvenation. One of the factors that directly influence this process is collagen. While our bodies naturally produce this component, we can stimulate its production through different means. There are a lot of these things …

5 Mind-Blowingly Effective Tips for Skin Whitening in Singapore

No matter how hard we deny it, having fair skin is one of our goals regarding our appearance. Flawless skin gives the impression that we are meticulous and don’t leave any stone unturned. This emphasis on youthful skin is even more crucial in countries like Singapore. If you’re looking for practical tips for skin whitening …

A 5-Step Guide to Your Smoothest Face Ever

No one wants to hear that they have a problem they didn’t even know existed, you may have heard and even suffer from uneven skin tone, but did you know that uneven skin texture is just as common? Uneven skin texture is commonly a result of excess dead skin cells that build up on the …

How Do I Get Rid of Blackheads On My Nose?

You know those things that creep up onto our skin at any given time without warning us? Oh yeah, blackheads. Blackheads are the bane of our existence. Usually, they are the cause of oil, dirt, and debris that gather together on your nose and form pesky black dots. However, we have good news on how to …
